via lNTENTlONAL MOVEMENT & NEURAL PLASTlClTY A Worldwide Listing of Movement Educators Applying Principles of Brain Plasticity to Advance the Child With Special Needs
The following is a listing of movement educators who:
(1) have graduated from one or more specialized education programs and are trained and/or certified to work with children; and
(2) at the time of listing were working with children and accepting new clients.
This list is independently curated by professional movement educators as a donated public service, without fee, commission, or profit.
Please contact directly any listed Practitioner regarding all details of their services and fees.
HOW TO USE THlS LlST The independent professionals listed below graduated from one or more advanced education programs and are specifically trained or certified to work with children. Please note: This is not intended to be a complete listing of relevant practitioners. Also, graduates of Zoom-based or video-based trainings are not listed here. Practitioners are identified by their style of movementeducation (please contact the Practitioner for their complete vita):
This list is organized alphabetically by nation (and as appropriate by state or province), and finally according to Practitioner last names. Simply scroll down, or use your browser's "Find" function to narrow your search (e.g. by name, country, state, city, partial postal code, or phone area code).
Contact a Practitioner directly via the listed phone, email, or website. Click on"contact" to find email links, and click on underscorednames for website links (not all Practitioners have a website). Some Practitioners may, by private arrangement, travel to meet clients. They are indicated by the designation "travels",but only their home office is listed here.
TERMS OF USE & PRlVACY By using this website you acknowledge and agree that the following directory of Practitioners is offered for your informational purposes only.
This website does not endorse, recommend, or warrant the qualifications, experience, skills, or services of any Practitioner listed, or his or her fitness or suitability for your needs. Each Practitioner is solely responsible for their representations made and services rendered.
This website does not list all professionals applying principles of neuroplasticity through movement. Nor does it guarantee the listing information, all of which is provided by the Practitioners themselves, who are solely responsible for the accuracy of their entries.
This website does not track, collect, use, share, or sell any personally identifiable information of its visitors. We do not target you for advertising or other solicitation. However, clicking on Practitioner links will take you to external domains that have their own and differing privacy policies and terms of use, for which we are not responsible.
Find Certified NeuroPlasticity Practitioners Worldwide Actively Serving Children With Special Needs. Over 100 Professionals in 20 nations:
Sole Junquera[ABMNM CM]Buenos Aires 7167 (Valeria del Mar) /+54 911 7003 8627 / contact[travels]
NeuroHorizons® is the registered EU, UK, Mexico, and USA trademark of Sylvia Shordike.Experiential Movement®, A Child's Neural Map isNot the Territory®, and Embody. Envision. Elicit. Empower.®are registered USA trademarks of Sylvia Shordike. Feldenkrais®andFeldenkraisMethod® are registered USA trademarks of Feldenkrais Guild Corporation California. Anat Baniel Method®andNeuroMovement® are registered trademarks of Movement Coordination Learning, Inc. DBA Anat Baniel Method Corporation.